Monday, May 22, 2006

You go girl!

Oprah was on Dateline last night, and I happened to flip through the channels at the right time. Ann Curry was asking her about God, and here is what she said (sorry about the Oprah transcript format, this is just how I found it):

Curry: In the play, Celie feels forsaken. She says, "God is just another man." Did you feel forsaken ever by God?

Winfrey: No. No. No One of the reasons I related to the story so much on the first time reading it is because I have always prayed and spoken to God.

Curry: You talk to God still today?

Winfrey: I still-- oh, please, yeah. Uh-huh (affirms).

Curry: Once a week?

Winfrey: No. Not once a week. This is-- this is--

Curry: Daily?

Winfrey: Oh, Ann. I live in the space where God is. There is no question that that is why I am where I am, and why I have had the success that I've had, is because I allow myself to be guided by that which is greater than myself-- than my personality. That's the truth. That's the truth.

Curry: Is that the only thing that you would say is the reason for your great success?

Winfrey: Uh-huh (affirms). Uh-huh (affirms).

Curry: It is?

Winfrey: Uh-huh (affirms). Uh-huh (affirms). Uh-huh. Because, I am doing the work that my soul came to do.

Now, it isn't exactly perfect theology, but still it is a good witness to God's power. Knowing how influential Oprah is in so many people's lives, it's hard to imagine that there wasn't at least one person out there who thought, "If Oprah's success is because of God, maybe I should be open to that." There is no limit to how people can find God!

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