Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Poverty in the Married Life

I do not claim to share the extreme poverty that is a constant plague on so many in the world. In fact, it is almost a shame to use the same word for these two aspects of it. When monastic communities mention their poverty, it is most likely not this type of poverty either. Most of the monks at the Benedictine monastery here would be the last to admit that they are suffering from malnutrition and the like due to their vow of poverty. They eat well and sleep in well. Their vow of poverty is the lack of personal property. Everything that they earn is dedicated to the welfare of the community. Marriage requires this same sacrifice.

Next year, my wife will be staying home with our baby, and so the three of us will be living off of my salary. There is a significant difference between splitting a salary one way and splitting it three ways. Everything that I make for the rest of my life will go to the welfare of the community. I of course, would have it no other way, but regardless it is a sacrifice. If I could use all of my money for me, I might be heading off to Europe this summer instead of heading to the world of manual labor to make some extra money to pay insurance.

Now, I do not intend this to sound like a horror story. No, not by a long shot. This is another way that God has provided for me to make my way down the narrow path. The life of sacrifice of myself for others is my ticket to heaven. “Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

Thank you Lord for this beautiful cross. Help all married couples to embrace whatever financial struggles they face as a way to trust in your goodness.

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