Friday, June 02, 2006

Lost Season 2

Lost is the only TV show that I watch religiously, and as season two has recently come to a close, it is as good as ever. This show consistently has scenes or entire episodes that can make great catechetical points.

One of the main themes of the series is that all of the castaways are here for a reason, some part of a plan, and that they all have to do their jobs in order for everything to unfold as it should. This is a reflection of God's plan for all of us here, and our dependence on everyone else who is part of the communion of saints. The season finale's title, "Live together, die alone," revealed this well.

The final episode also gave a good example of how the end, no matter how objectively good, cannot justify the means. This is something that I think our society seriously needs to learn.

Anyway another great season, and now a summer of agony waiting for season three.

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