Monday, January 15, 2007

Consumers Beware - Scary Vulnerability of US Locks

Every one who trusts the security of people or things important to them to locks needs to read this article from Endagaget. The locks that we've all been thinking were, if not impregnable, at least pretty secure have been shown to be vulnerable to a few seconds of work by an 11 year old girl with no training or special equipment (see video here). The process known as "bumping" (explained very well in the article) is basically taking a low-tooth key, inserting it into the lock, hitting the key with something (a hammer, screwdriver, etc.), and turning the handle. It's that simple, and it worked on my apartment door and will work on an enormous number of US homes. Suffice it to say, I always use the chain lock now and will be paying attention when I get my own home.

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